Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Get to Know You

If you could host a Reality TV show what would it be?

Good question! I love the Bachelor and Bachelorette but I'm not sure I could deal with all the drama of it. I think it would have to be something on HGTV. I am obsessed with watching every show on there and getting great ideas for the house. I don't really know if that is reality TV but at least a TV show.

Do you put on your seat belt before or after you start the car?

I put my seat belt on after I start the car and usually after I reverse. I don't really know when this habit started but I noticed I did it this summer every time I got in the car.

Shave or hair removal cream.

I shave my legs.

What's your favorite feature in the house.

At this point is it always the front entry. I feel this room grab's your attention and makes you want to see the rest of a house. Right now this is the main room we are working on in our house and I will post pictures soon to reveal this room. Plan is by this next weekend we will have it done.

What is your favorite fall scent?

Pumpkin and spice

What tv show are you most looking forward to seeing this Fall?

It is a toss up between Grey's Atonomy, Desperate Housewives, and Private Practice

Personal Shopper or Personal Chef?

I think I am gonna have to go with Personal Chef. I wish I knew how to make some really great 3-4 course meals.

What is the first word you think of when you hear Fall?

Wedding...Greg and I got married in the Fall

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Week

Well I survived the first week of 3rd grade with my new group of buzzing bees. This group is known for being all boy and very talkative. This week they have been angels and I am loving the group I have this year. I will say thought that I do check in on my students from last year quite frequently throughout the day and I have missed them more than I could have imagined.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Greg and I decided to replace the countertops in our new home. The previous owners had cultured marable in all of the bathrooms. Greg and I decided we prefered granite instead. Greg even did a DIY and took out the old countertops. Here are some pictures of Greg taking out the old and also what the new countertops look like. I also bought some art work for the guest bathrooms. I love butterflies and they complimented the fixtures in the house. Greg and I also decided to replace the fixtures in the house because they had bronze and nickel in the sub baths and we didn't like the fixtures pictures to come when we finish that project.

More to come!

This morning I am meeting with a good friend to help with some decorating advice. I should have some pictures to post this afternoon because the granite for our sub baths is arriving. Check back this evening!

Pictues of the House!

We are still working on making the house ours! Here are some pictures though! These pictures are from when the previous owners were living here!

Front Entry

Back Porch


Friday, June 25, 2010

We have a new home!

Greg and I have been searching for homes for the last 5-6 weeks. We loved a neighborhood and have looked at everything that came on the market in this particular neighborhood. Last week as we were looking at another home in the area we came across a For Sale by Owner home. We called her Thursday afternoon and asked to look. We then went back with Greg's parents and that evening wrote a bid for the house. They accepted our offer. We are hoping to close July 16th and the goal is to be there by the week before school starts. I am so excited about this journey in our lives. The house is only 4 years old there are some projects we want to do but it is in Shreveport, a neighborhood we love and we are excited to start this new chapter!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yay we found a builder!

We found a builder! Praise the lord you can check out his work at He is young about our age maybe 5 years older. We love his style and attention to details. We have also figured out the budget we have for the house including lot. Later on Greg says we can add a pool and outdoor kitchen! Yay! As of now we are looking for the perfect lot. We are looking to build in a subdivision that has a lake. I want to be on the lake but the lots are very expensive and then there is the danger of flooding.

Here are some goals we hope to finish by August 2010.
Find a builder-check
Work on floor plans
Find the perfect lot

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Goals where are we?

I set my new years resolutions and I think I have met only one of these goals. :-( Reading a book a month. I got behind but read alot in the beginning so I more than likely have read at least 8-10 books for the year. Althought I see alot of this in my future. I have alot of free time babysitting because the kids have 30 minutes of quite time a day.

This summer a major goal is to work on fun center activities for next year or skills that the kids can work on while I am doing more small group activities. I plan to start with Math and move on from there.

With plans to either buy or build a larger house Greg and I have done very well at sticking to the goal of only going out to dinner once a week. This night was last night for us and we enjoyed a pizza at Pie Works. Monday we did dinner at the horse races and tonight Greg cooked a skillet thing with pasta, chicken, carrots and peas. My plan for tomorrow night is tacos or left over pizza.

Another big summer goal is to take the Praxis to be certified in LA. I am planning on calling the office where you take the test in the morning to plan to take it during a week I am not babysitting or have other summer plans. Then I can move to to studying for the GRE and actually applying to graduate school.

Always more to come in this area!

Summer Loving/Living

Summer has offically begun for me. I started my summer by going to the horse races last Monday on Memorial Day. I got to see my parents, and some of my other family at the race. It was so much fun. Tuesday I started babysitting for Mr. Carter (the head master at my school). This is a 4 day a week job but good summer $. Starting June 28-July 16th I will be at a workshop based on math and science skills with 3 other teachers from St. Marks. Greg and I are looking at houses and deciding whether to build or buy so there is alot on our plate for the next couple of months.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Maybe a New House...

Greg and I have been thinking about moving to Shreveport for some time. Well now with tons of people moving to the area because of a new company we are thinking it is a great time to put the house on the market. We of course have to talk to the bank and CPA but it looks like by the end of summer we will be staying put in Bossier or moving to Shreveport!

I found out today one of my college roomies is having a baby! I couldn't be more excited for them!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Single Digits

There are only 9 days left in this school year! Wow

This week has been teacher apprecation week and I have been overwhelmed at how wonderful all my kids are. On Monday they all brought flowers. On Tuesday they wrote me a nice note and there was a wonderful box lunch. On Wednesday they brought cute stationary. I am overwhelmed with note cards. :-) Today there was a nice luncheon and then tomorrow it is dessert day. I am so blessed for the opportunities I have had at St. Mark's.


Well since January I have horrible ear pain! On our cruise in January we went snorkling alot and I got alot of water in my ear. I went to the doctor in Jan and got drops and it felt better. Then in March it started hurting again. I went to quickcare and got it irragated and tons of wax came out. Felt better...well here is May. I started feeling pain again which escalted into throbbing pain. I went to the ENT yesterday and got drops, an antibiotic and a styeriod shot. Today I left school at 2:15 feeling really sick with a bad headache. I have been incredibly sick at home this evening. I am taking a day off tomorrow. Thank GOD! I need the break. I will enjoy a day off from school tomorrow although I am not feeling well!

Greg has two new beautiful baby cousins that I am so excited to meet. 2 baby girls...Miller Ashton Carolton and Carloton Rose Christensen no not twins. Greg's cousin Trey's wife had Miller and Greg's cousin Christy Carloton Rose. I am very excited to meet these two bundels of joy.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

14 more days!

Wow there are only 14 more days left in my first year of teaching. It has been very trying but I have gone up tremendously. I have a conference with a parent tomorrow and then one later on to discuss retaining two possible students. At first I thought this would be miserable to do my first year but I think it will greatly benefit these two students.

As always more to come on this issue later....

Greg has been working on a major project for his Dad's office this week. We have however, eaten at home every night since Monday. We did the grill on Monday as a tradition. This weekend we are having his parents over for Mother's Day. His mom gets Mother's Day this year. I did get to see my Mom last weekend though so it is OK. I have really missed my family lately. Greg and I even considered going home to take over my Dad's business. However, if we moved home then his Mom would get holidays and I love spending this time with my family because of all the wonderful traditions we have. I have been able to grow up alot here in Shreveport and have an amazing opportunity being able to work at the school I do.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Book Goals

Well at least I have met one of my New Year's resolutions. :-)

I have been reading alot lately. I am taking time for myself to enjoy something I love. I learned in school that as a teacher you should always know what you are going to read next. While I don't have that part figured out I have enjoyed reading a lot of good books lately.

In January I read Shopahalic and Sister and part of the Percy Jackson series.
In Februrary I continued to read the Percy Jackson series and read all five books. I am excited about this author Rick Riordan and his series. He is coming out with a new book soon.
In March I read Firefly Lane a book by Kristen Hannah and I enjoyed her books alot so I read another one in April called True Colors.
In April I enjoyed the last book I just talked about and Roses. It was a book similiar to Gone with the Wind. I will take any suggestions on what to read.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Get to Know You

1. If you could star in any movie genre..what would it be? Romance, horror, action, suspense?

I would have to choose romance. I am a total sucker for these. I love anything Nicholas Sparks and I love Pearl Harbor. I also enjoy a good comedy or action movie but I would say romance definitely.

2. Do you recycle?

Yes I recycle both paper and plastic in my classroom. We have a paper bin at school. I take the plastic to my inlaws because they have a trash bin that picks it up weekly. I need to do better about doing in it my own home though.

3. Have you ever been to a strip club?
No, and I don't plan to. I have no interest in seeing people pole dance or strip.

4. Do you have a nickname?
My grandfather called me Pumpkin, I go by Kell Bell or Kelli Leigh most the time.

5. What a name you can't stand to be called?
The b word I hate. No one has ever called me anything I really dislike.

6. What are you summer staples?
White pants and sun dresses

7. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
A burger and fries at McDonalds. LOL

8. Are you happy with your boob size?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Book

I have started reading a new book. It is by Kristen Hannah. I read one of her books called Firefly Lane and loved it. This one has the same basic storyline but is a lot more predictable. I have enjoyed reading it though and am meeting this goal on my 2010 goal lists.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting to Know Me!

1. Men's chest hairy or no hair?

Kinda a wierd question. I like a little hair on a guy's chest. I think having no hair on a man's chest is a little strange. Even stranger is when they shave it!

2. How often do you run red lights?

I try never too. However, on the way to work the lights downtown my First United Methodist Church change very quickly and I usually run this as a yellow or red light at least 2-3 times a week.

3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet who would it be?

Either Resse Witherspoon or Carrie Underwood!

4. Would you rather have more friends/followers on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog?

I would have to say my blog. I only have 3 lone followers and wish more people read it. But then I think too my life is kind of boring. LOL

5. What makes you feel sexy?

When I dress up and my hubby takes me out on a date. This always makes me fall more in love with him and realize why we got married. I love to dress up and be pretty for him.

6. I get excited when.......?

I come home and my hubby has done something special. I get excited when my kids do really well on something I thought they were having trouble understanding. I get excited when a new opportunity is presented to me and I try something new and succeed at doing it. I get excited when I get to see my friends and family. :-)

7. Are you the outdoorsy type or more the indoorsy type?

It depends on the weather. I have been loving the weather lately and wish we had a bigger porch so I could sit outside and drink wine and enjoy a good book. But if it cold or rainy I love to just be lazy and indoors.

8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?

I would rather have my dream home. In a dream home you can experience new things with friends and family and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Field Trip/Cotillition

Yesterday was a fun filled day. I had a Field Trip with my kids to TX. YAY! We went to the East TX Oil and Gas museum. We learned about boomtown and the oil rush of the 1930s. We took an elevator ride and looked at the different layers of the Earth. They got to see how deep you have to drill to actually hit the oil. In 3rd grade we learn about the layers of the earth when we study about rocks and minerals so this was an educational field trip.

Last night Greg and I went to Cotillition here. I had a student in it and a student's sister in it. Along with my friend Katherine's brother. At the end of the field trip I didn't want to go because I had a really bad headache but I actually ended up having a lot of fun.

I have realized anytime I get to spend with Greg is time looked forward to. He is so busy with the start of his business and making sure he succeeds. We are looking forward to finding time for each other each week and this is our new goal to find a date night and remember what we used to have.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Get to Know Me!

I got this idea from a friend and love it!

1. Showers or baths?

I am a shower girl! I used to take baths all the time and then someone said why would you want to wash your hair and soak in dirty water. EW yuck! I do love to take a bath to help me unwind and relax.

2. Do you have any crazy urges?
I love chocolate and get late night muchines alot. I guess this isn't really an urge though. I also have the urge to always be perfect and the best teacher I can be.

3. What is one thing you don't know about me?
Huh...I want to persue a master's in either administration, education phychology, or be a reading specialist.

4. Exercise love it or hate it?
BOTH! I love to go for a walk or run but am not very dedicated at this. I need to find a buddy to go with me. I love to run on the treadmill but not as much outside. I get in moods of exercising.

5. Do you think you have a good body image?
No, I want to tone up and get fit

6. Flour or corn tortilla's?
I like flour if I am having fajitas but corn if I am making enchilada's.

7. How do you celebrate Easter?
We always go to church with my whole family (grandparents, parents, aunt/uncle, cousins, etc.) Then we do lunch. This year we did it at my aunt's house. My favorite part of Easter Sunday is the cross that is carried down the aisle at church. We decorate it with flowers and then some of the men from the church carry it down the aisle and it remains here during the service. After the service it is placed outside our church.

8. Hard boiled Easter eggs or plastic ones?
I always hid/hunted for plastic Easter eggs when I was little. However, I hard boiled the ones I decorated. I also remember as a kid pokeing a hole in the top of eggs, cleaning them out and then putting confetti in them. We cracked them on each other's heads. :-)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Get to Know Me!

1 - Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging to meet people who are from my area and to talk with others about teaching and newlywed life.

2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
Well the only person I know that follows my blog is a friend from Shreveport and I already know her.

3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?

I want to look the way I did on my wedding day. I felt healthy and beautiful. I also want to tone up and run a 5K in July.

4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
Why we need to vent so much! We look to men for emotional understanding when they are black and white and need things spelled out for them.

5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?

6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
The day I graduated from Baylor. This was a lifelong dream to go to Baylor and presue my career in education. My wedding day was also great because I married an amazing man.

7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.

1.) I want to understand why they think the way they do
2.) Do they really have selective hearing or just tone us out?
3.) Lounge around the house and not help with house chores

8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?

I don't think the beverages I enjoy raise eyebrows. I like wine red or white, White Russians, Colorado Bulldogs, anything fruity, etc.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sweet 16

Baylor made it to the Sweet 16 so Greg and I headed to Houston this weekend. Last, night they played St. Mary's and won! 72-49! It was an amazing game! We will be going to the game Sunday night against Duke! Go Bears! Sic Em'

Monday, March 22, 2010

On a Roll/Run Workout

During Spring Break...I worked out 3 days wow! Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday! I have taken up walking/running a little at least 2.5 miles a day. If I go on the treadmill it is always 2.5. So Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday I met this goal. Then Wednesday and Thursday I also walked/ran some of the neighborhood.

I just went out for a walk/run around the neighborhood and there were so many people out! It gives me a little time to focus on me and think about the day and things before unloading them on Greg. Hopefully it will be a good stress relief and I will also get in good shape for the summer and the beach!

Get to Know Me!

What year did you graduate high school? 2004

What part of your body do you neglect the most? My feet! I have narrow feet and wear medium shoes all the time. I also wear high heels to teach all the time. I swear the two pairs I wear are very comfortable. I have only fallen down the stairs in them once. LOL! I also rarely get pedicures now. I used to get them all the time. I haven't found a place in town I love and I love to go with the girls to catch up and haven't had the time.

Beach house or Lake House? Beach house
I love the beach and am looking forward to spending some time on the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama and Corpus Christi, TX this summer!

Mac or PC? PC :-)
I love my Dell PC and have never liked Apple/Mac products! Other than my Iphone I can't live without!

Did you have braces! Yes I did
I had them from 6-8 grade on both top and bottom. I then was not given a retainer that ever fit right so I got them again in 9th grade on the bottom and wore them for a year and then got a premanent retainer on the bottom. I wore Invislign on the top the 2nd time around and it didn't work so well. My teeth are pretty straight though so no complaints!

If you could be one person for a day living or deceased who would it be?
Living- Carrie Underwood
Deceased- Audrey Hepburn

How many times have you moved in your life?
Let me count
Pin Oak
Lakeview Loop
Those are home houses- So 5 times
Then college
SFA Dorm
SFA Sorority House
Baylor-The Center Apts.
Baylor- The Place Apts- 4 times in college
Married Life- Hanover
Total- 10 different times!

Would you rather cook or clean!
Cook- Looking for some good recipes! Send them my way please!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break has ended! :-(

Tomorrow my Spring Break will end! :-( I have enjoyed spending time with my family and Greg. I didn't get to take my Praxis test so this will happen some time this summer. This next couple of weeks will be busy and stressful. This week my kids take an IQ test and then next week we have standarized testing! This does not count for anything in a private school but I still want my students to do well. I have been preparing them since the beginning of January and pray they are ready. I finished another book today (Firefly Lane). It was a story about two best friends and they journey together through childhood, jobs, kids, etc. If anyone knows any great books to read I would love any suggestions. I have now read 7 books since the new year started! My goal was a book a month. When I was in college I had a teacher tell me that you should always be reading and learning more but also always know what you will read next. Oops don't know what to read next. Tomorrow I am grabbing coffee with a good friend and am ready to catch up with her! :-)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

I have been enjoying the fall weather over this last week or so. I am ready to get in my yard and plant but I know I need to wait until after Easter. :-) I think tomorrow I will pull some more weeds and get some plants for the pots, those should be ok if it freezes again because I can at least bring them inside.

This week has been Spring Break for me. Friday afternoon I went home to Killeen to spend time with my family and to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Then my mom came back to Shreveport with me to shop until today. I had lots of fun visiting with her and getting a new spring wardrobe.

The rest of my spring break will include...working in my classroom, tanning, pulling weeds, planting flowers and working out! :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Weekend!

I had a good weekend just relaxing at home! Greg's grandfather came into town so we went to dinner with him Friday night at a resturant in town I love Bistro Byronz. I got the steak frite salad. It is steak with fries on a salad and so yummy!

Yesterday (Saturday), I worked out and spend the afternoon with Greg at his parents house. His dad, grandfather and brother went to the Baylor vs. Texas game. Now I can be two sided on this one. My mom went to UT and I am from Texas, however I went to Baylor. I would have been happy with either team winning but was overjoyed that Baylor beat Texas yet again 92-77.

I am very ready for Spring Break and to see my family! :-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Spring!

I cannot believe it is already March and I have been teaching almost a year. Only 19 more until I can retire. LOL! :-) Growing up my Dad said teachers always count down to when they can retire and reap the benefits of teaching.

Today March 2nd is my grandmother's birthday and also Dr. Seuss' birthday. I had fun today reading Dr. Seuss books to my students. We sat on the floor and read books and then we played fun games on It was fun to do something out of the ordinary that was fun. I thought maybe they would act like they were to old for Dr. Seuss but they loved it.

Greg is out of town until Thursday so I have been enjoying time alone at home. I have been catching up on laundry, cleaning, and reading. I do feel like I haven't seen my hubby though. Greg's grandfather is coming into town this weekend and then next weekend I am going home and then my mom is coming back to Shreveport with me. I also plan to take the PRAXIS during Spring Break. That is the certification test for teachers for Louisiana.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another Week....

Well I finished another book in the Percy Jackson series! I am now going to have to read book 4! These stories are really interesting! At school one of my fellow teaching partners cleaned out her bookshelf and I was able to get some good books for a child. He loves to read but if his mom took him to Barnes and Noble once a week she would be broke. He reads one or two books in a series and then stops. I was able to collect most of the C.S. Lewis stories for him in the Narnia series so I hope he will enjoy these. I also was able to find some books for my own class in the ones she was cleaning out.

I worked out for 45 minutes yesterday at my inlaws. They have a treadmill and I have been wanting to get in shape. I ran for about 25 minutes and walked the rest. I read some of my book while I was working out so it helped me not realize how long I had worked out and I enjoyed it. I think I will try to do this at least 3-4 times a week. I know I will do it more on the weekends.

Greg's grandfather is coming to town this next weekend and we are both looking forward to spending some time with him. The last time we saw him was Thanksgiving. Then, the following weekend we are going to Killeen to see my family. I saw them recently at the beginning of this month but Greg has not been down since Christmas. I love my family and miss them very much but know moving was a good decision for me. I have been able to grow so much!

Tomorrow I will finish the rest of the laundy, get a new book, go to the grocery store and work out! Well at least this is in my plans to do! :-)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lately I have been questioning myself and what I want out of life.....

1. Kids- I always thought I would have them by now or be pregant. I am now thinking 30! I work with kids every day. I hate things being shoved in my face and don't want my kids to ever to do to me.

2. Teaching/Cleaning- I have never enjoyed cleaning house, etc. When I didn't work I cleaned house more often because I had the time. Now I feel I have no time. Where does time go during the day.

3. Church-I need to go but haven't found a home church here. Greg and I are from different religious so we are working to find a fit for us.

More to come later......

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Book 3 This Year

Sea of the Monsters the second book in the Percy Jackson series

It only took me two days to read this one. It may have been because Greg was out of town and there were no distractions. :-) I also worked on the canvas for Fiesta with my mother in law this weekend man is she talented. I wish I was more creative and could do more things like that painting, crafts, etc.

It is going to be a busy week and I am ready for Spring Break in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goals!! :-)

I just finished another book! I guess techinally I am meeting a resoultion to read a book a month...I read a Shopahalic book in Janurary/February and then this book in February. I read Percy Jackson and the Last of the Olympics- Book 1 The Lightning Thief! It was simply amazing. I read it in 2 days. It is a book I wanted to read to see if my students would enjoy reading also. I always am trying to find new series for them to read. They lately have been into Harry Potter. I don't like these books and have not read a single one. I have watched one of the movies and not even the entire thing of that. However, I enjoyed the Percy Jackson series and look forward to reading more. I think they would appropriate for some of my students but not all of them.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Am I following my Resolutions?

1. Cook more at home! Yes I am doing this...I made a list of things I can make and realize I make a lot of Mexican and Italian food. I want to learn to make chicken spaghetii and some more casserolls so I can have left overs for school. Greg is also helping with this.

2. Lose 5/10 pounds get in shape...not happening lol! You can ask Greg I do not like to work out. I am mainting a healthy weight and feel comfortable with this. I just want to tone up more. I am going to start doing taboe this is what I did for the wedding at it worked wonders.

3. Be a better teacher...I think there is always room for improvement. I am trying to come up with more center ideas. I want to focus more on my spelling and vocabulary lessons.

4. Work on center ideas for next year...this group coming up can have no down time so I am working on coming up with center ideas to focus more on skills we are learning. I have found some in some magazines of mine that I think will work great.

5. Clean house every other week...I vacummed and mopped today and yesterday does this count? I do not like to clean house but hate when it is nasty.

6. Read a new book every month...I just finished a book Shopahalic and sister. I love this series. I am thinking about getting a new book in this series or reading the Lighting Thief I have heard great things about this book.

7. Explain how I am feeling...I am talking more and expressing my concerns with Greg. Things have been much better this last couple of months. :-)

8. Take the Praxis to be a certified LA teacher...I am taking Part 1 during Spring Break!

9. Study for the GRE...I am focusing more on the Praxis and then I will start to think about the GRE.

10.Apply to Grad School- First Praxis then GRE then grad school.

So far it seems my goals are coming along! Hey I have about 10 and a half more months to get them complete right?!?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Greg and I are celebrating our 4th Valentine's Day together this year. Since our cruise got cancelled we had to improvise and run out to get each other gifts. Greg got me roses and a sweet little card. I got him his favorite a bag of Dove chocolate candy, a Saints football magazine and a gift card to get a massage. His back has been killing him so I thought he might enjoy this. He is cooking dinner tonight so more to come on the special meal he has planned.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Yesterday it snowed all day here in Shreveport! My kids were so excited and had fun throwing snowballs at each other during recess. After school Greg and I had plans to go to Dallas to head out for our Valentine's day cruise. WOW driving to Dallas what were we thinking the snow was headed that way. Dallas got a record 12 inches yesterday! Greg had to do some work in Dallas before we left. Our flight got cancelled and we did not get to take our cruise. We drove home last night in the snow. It was magicial but also scary. When we got home Greg and I build a little snowman. :-) Now we are home watching the Olympics and going to spend Valentine's like we did our first V-day 4 years ago (Greg cooked salmon and we enjoyed just being together.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I can't believe how fast this year is going! It is already February, wow! I have really enjoyed cooking dinner with Greg. This week we have plans for sasuage with potatoes and green beans, salmon salad, some type of pasta (lasganza), king ranch casserole. These are just a few of the things I have planned. Greg decided to surprise me with a cruise for Valentine's Day. I have a Friday and Monday off for Winter Break. I am very excited. Greg knows work has been crazy. I have two students who take everything I have and demand so much. I love working with this group of kids and know I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THEM! However, I have two that I know are not ready for 4th grade. More to come on this issue later. Oh the life of a 3rd grade teacher!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Well I did it! I made dinner everynight but one! I made a roast with carrots and red potatoes tonight that was to die for. I made the roast in the crockpot and it was super easy. We will see how this next week goes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dinner at Home :-)

Tonight I made cheese enchilada's. Tomorrow I am thinking of doing spaghetti. Maybe I will try to cook at home each day. :-) I am at least off to a good start!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eating at Home More Often

Greg and I are going to start eating at home more often. This last week we ate at home 3 times and today will make 4. We had hamburgers, King Ranch Casserole, and last night we had leftovers from dinner out so soup and salad. Greg made PB and J and some soup. Tonight I am doing a pizza and some salad. I want to try to eat and home and eat healthier. If anyone has any great dinner ideas please send them my way. I think I am going to do a roast for tomorrow night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kids say the Darnest Things

These are from another teacher.....
My nuts are falling, my nuts are falling....what do you mean sweetie. My nuts are falling Miss Ada. The child meant his nuts were falling out of his pocket. He had acorns in his pocket and they kept falling out.

There is something in my throat. What do you mean sweetie. He hiccupped and thought there was something inside him.

This is from one of my students- Girls are better than boys because they dress pretty and wear makeup!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year New Me!

So far 2010 has been alot of ups and downs! Greg and I are working on things. We have decided that we will go to marriage counseling this year. I know I need to work on confidence and self image.

My goals for 2010 are...
1. Cook more at home
2. Lose 5-10 pounds/get in shape
3. Be a better teacher
4. Work on centers for next year
5. Clean house every other week
6. Read a new book once a month
7. Explain how I am feeling
8. Take the Praxis to be certified in LA
9. Study for the GRE
10. Apply to grad school